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API and AFIIA Forge a Groundbreaking Partnership to Strengthen PFM in Africa

In a landmark event on the 8th of May 2024, the African Professionalisation Initiative (API) and the African Federation of Institutes of Internal Auditors (AFIIA) signed a Collaborative Agreement that promises to reshape the landscape of public financial management (PFM) across Africa. This strategic alliance is set to bolster the capabilities of Africa’s public sector with skilled, ethical, and influential professionals dedicated to fostering accountability, transparency, and robust financial governance.

Distinguished Witnesses to the Historic Agreement

The signing ceremony was graced by notable figures including Ruth Mutebe, President of AFIIA; Moses Kasakya, President of IA Uganda; representatives from global health partnerships such as GAVI’s Charles Ohene and The Global Fund’s Eric Boa and Collins Acheampong, alongside API’s CEO, Evans Mulera. Their presence underscores the collective commitment to driving substantial reforms in the public sector’s financial management practices.

IFAC MOU Partners

Gavi and The Global Fund are partners in the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) partnership  MOU that aims to achieve strengthened Public Finance Management capacity for the public sector through Professional Accountancy Organizations as well as Health sector investments. This agreement between API and AFIIA will contribute to deepening of the ongoing engagement involving IFAC, PAFA, GAVI, Global Fund, USAID, and API, with initial pilot initiatives set to roll out in select countries. USAID has recently signed an MOU with AFROSAI-E and API to support capacity building through development of a learning programme on performance audits of health sector commodities and related services. The success of these initiatives will be driven by country interest and funding availability, promising a concerted effort to drive positive change and ensure accountability within the public sector.

Visionary Outcomes of the Collaboration

The collaboration between API and AFIIA is designed to achieve transformative outcomes that will significantly enhance the public sector’s operational efficacy and ethical standards. Among the expected outcomes are:

  • A significant increase in the number of competent and ethical internal audit professionals within the public sector.
  • Strengthened frameworks for accountability and transparency that align with global financial governance standards such as IPPF, IFRS, IPSAS, and ISSAI.
  • Accelerated socio-economic development through successful implementation of public finance management reforms.
  • Heightened adherence to governmental finance laws and policies.
  • Contribution to the realization of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the principles of the African Charter on values and principles of public service and administration, which advocate for professionalization within governmental ranks.
  • Establishment of a skilled pool of public sector professionals that will facilitate cross-border trade in services under the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (ACTFA) framework.
  • An enhanced platform that promotes the professionalization of government internal auditors in alignment with the spirit of African unity, cooperation, and shared progress.

AFIIA’s Role and Commitments

During the ceremony, President Ruth Mutebe outlined AFIIA’s pivotal role in enhancing accountability and transparency across both public and private sectors. With affiliations in 27 countries and activities ranging from annual conferences to targeted capacity-building events, AFIIA is actively involved in shaping a more accountable and transparent governance framework throughout the continent.

The Future Path

The partnership also lays a robust groundwork for future initiatives aimed at reskilling and upskilling new talents within the internal audit in the public sector. Over 70% of AFIIA’s professional members, who currently serve in the public sector, are poised to play a crucial role in advancing public value across governmental entities. This strategic foresight is aimed at not only uplifting the standards of internal auditing but also ensuring that internal auditors are well-equipped to drive successful PFM reforms.

Donor Support and Sustainable Impact

The donors (GAVI and The Global Fund) present at the signing expressed unwavering support for the initiatives designed to elevate the role of internal auditors in achieving successful PFM reforms. This endorsement is a testament to the potential far-reaching impact of the API-AFIIA partnership on the continent’s financial management practices, ensuring a legacy of enhanced governance and increased public trust.

This partnership marks a new chapter in the story of African public financial management, promising a future where internal auditors are not just participants but catalysts of change, equipped to meet the challenges of a dynamic financial landscape with professionalism and integrity.

About The API

The African Professionalisation Initiative is an independent non-profit organisation whose primary objective is to strengthen the capacity and knowledge base of accounting and auditing professionals in the African public sector to enhance accounting and auditing service delivery to the citizens of Africa.

Our Vision: An African public sector sustainably capacitated with competent, ethical and influential professionals who support accountability, transparency and good financial governance. Our Mission: Grow the capacity of public sector finance management professionals in the African public sector through high quality, relevant and future fit learning programmes.

The API Partner Organisations

The African Professionalisation Initiative is a partnership between the accountancy profession (represented by the Pan African Federation of Accountants (“PAFA”)), accountants general or their equivalent (African Association of Accountants General – “AAAG”)), and supreme audit institutions or courts of auditors (represented by the English (“AFROSAI-E”) and French (“CREFIAF”) language sub-groups of the African Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (“AFROSAI”)).

API is not a PAO

API is not a PAO but rather an enabler or a catalyst for professionalisation of public sector accountants and auditors to realise acceleration of greater accountability and transparency in the public sector. This will lead to growth or increase in the number of professional accountants eligible for membership in country PAOs thus making those PAOs more effective in delivering value to governments through a stronger accountancy profession within the country, continentally (through PAFA) and at the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) level.

The API Houses/Learning Programmes

You can learn offline and update your records the next time you have access to the internet.  Learning takes 12 to 18 months to complete.

Please choose below the house that works for you and drop us a mail –  

Houses (Learning Programmes) Careers / Jobs for API Graduates
•      House 1 – Incumbents (Experienced un-professionalised accountants and auditors)-Implemented
  • Government Accountant
  • Budget Analyst
  • Financial controller
  • Government Auditor
  • Tax Examiner
  • Public Financial Management Consultant
  • Non-profit Accountant
  • Financial Analyst
  • Grants and Contracts Manager
  • Compliance Officer
  • Public Sector Financial Reporting Specialist
  • Sector specific accountants, auditors, advisors etc
•      House 2 – Specialisation – Ready for occupation from 2024
•      House 3 – Students – Ready for occupation in 2025
•      House 4 – Micro credentials – Unique Areas of need by governments: E.g. The Public Sector Ethics Certification that is available for all government accountants, auditors and other officers etc.
•      House 5 – Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – Book an event here
•      House 6 – Sector specific learning programmes or certifications or Micro credentials e.g. Learning Programme on performance audits for health sector commodities.

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