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AFROSAI-E Champions Good Governance and Accountability

AFROSAI-E has successfully held the 20th Edition of its Governing Board Meeting and Strategic Review annual forum. The event took place from 6 to  10  May 2024, in Kampala, Uganda and was hosted by the Office of the Auditor General of Uganda. Themed ‘Vision 2029,’ this crucial gathering brought together prominent figures from across the continent, including the Honorable Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda, Anita Annet Among; the Auditor General of Uganda, John F.S. Muwanga; and Nancy Gathungu, the Chair of the AFROSAI-E Governing Board and Auditor General of SAI Kenya. Meisie Nkau, the CEO of AFROSAI-E, Auditors General within AFROSAI Membership; International Development Partners; Donors; among other key dignitaries.

Keynote Insights on Democracy and Accountability

The keynote address by the honorable Speaker emphasized the Supreme Audit Institutions’ (SAIs) essential role in upholding the pillars of democracy and safeguarding public trust. She outlined the critical nature of SAIs in today’s volatile world, highlighting their responsibility to ensure good stewardship of public resources. The Speaker reaffirmed the commitment of the Ugandan Parliament to support SAI Uganda, ensuring it receives the independence and support necessary to function effectively.

Driving Economic Development and PFM Reforms

Discussions also focused on the Ministry of Finance’s role in supporting economic development through robust public financial management (PFM) laws and the integration of technology to optimize budgeting processes. Such initiatives are crucial for realizing significant progress in PFM reforms, ultimately leading to enhanced efficiency, effective revenue collection, and national development.

Digital Transformation and Capacity Building

Meisie Nkau, the CEO of AFROSAI-E spotlighted AFROSAI-E’s efforts to assist SAIs in digitalizing their operations to free up resources for more value-added interventions. She encouraged SAIs to shape the Vision 2029 to transform lives directly through their work, emphasizing the importance of peer-to-peer collaboration and partnerships with donors and development partners. A notable acknowledgment was given to Helena Lindberg, the Auditor General of Sweden, for her substantial support in capacity-building initiatives that significantly impact AFROSAI-E’s mission.

Celebrating Excellence in Performance Auditing

The event also celebrated excellence in performance auditing, with Helena Lindberg announcing the winner of the 2023 performance audit prize. The accolade went to the Office of the Auditor General in Uganda for their report on “Equitable and Affordable Access to Education for Learners with Special Needs.” This recognition marked Uganda’s third win, demonstrating their continued excellence and commitment to impactful auditing.

A Unified Vision for a Prosperous Africa

The AFROSAI-E meeting was not just about reviewing strategies but also forging a path towards a more equitable, just, and prosperous society. It provided a platform for sharing ideas and best practices that would spearhead changes in auditing and governance to protect and enhance public interest across Africa.

As AFROSAI-E and its partners commit to the ambitious goals of Vision 2029, their concerted efforts are set to usher in an era of enhanced public sector accountability and governance, resonating with the African Union’s Agenda 2063. This pivotal meeting in Kampala was a step forward in realizing these aspirations, promising a brighter, more accountable future for Africa.

About The API

The African Professionalisation Initiative is an independent non-profit organisation whose primary objective is to strengthen the capacity and knowledge base of accounting and auditing professionals in the African public sector to enhance accounting and auditing service delivery to the citizens of Africa.

Our Vision: An African public sector sustainably capacitated with competent, ethical and influential professionals who support accountability, transparency and good financial governance.

Our Mission: Grow the capacity of public sector finance management professionals in the African public sector through high quality, relevant and future fit learning programmes.

The API Partner Organisations

The African Professionalisation Initiative is a partnership between the accountancy profession (represented by the Pan African Federation of Accountants (“PAFA”)), accountants general or their equivalent (African Association of Accountants General – “AAAG”)), and supreme audit institutions or courts of auditors (represented by the English (“AFROSAI-E”) and French (“CREFIAF”) language sub-groups of the African Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (“AFROSAI”)).

API is not a PAO

API is not a PAO but rather an enabler or a catalyst for professionalisation of public sector accountants and auditors to realise acceleration of greater accountability and transparency in the public sector. This will lead to growth or increase in the number of professional accountants eligible for membership in country PAOs thus making those PAOs more effective in delivering value to governments through a stronger accountancy profession within the country, continentally (through PAFA) and at the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) level.

The API Houses/Learning Programmes

You can learn offline and update your records the next time you have access to the internet.  Learning takes 12 to 18 months to complete.

Please choose below the house that works for you and drop us a mail –

Houses (Learning Programmes) Careers / Jobs for API Graduates
•      House 1 – Incumbents (Experienced un-professionalised accountants and auditors)-Implemented
  • Government Accountant
  • Budget Analyst
  • Financial controller
  • Government Auditor
  • Tax Examiner
  • Public Financial Management Consultant
  • Non-profit Accountant
  • Financial Analyst
  • Grants and Contracts Manager
  • Compliance Officer
  • Public Sector Financial Reporting Specialist
  • Sector specific accountants, auditors, advisors etc


•      House 2 – Specialisation – Ready for occupation from 2024
•      House 3 – Students – Ready for occupation in 2025
•      House 4 – Micro credentials – Unique Areas of need by governments: E.g. The Public Sector Ethics Certification that is available for all government accountants, auditors and other officers etc.
•      House 5 – Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – Book an event here
•      House 6 – Sector specific learning programmes or certifications or Micro credentials e.g. Learning Programme on performance audits for health sector commodities.

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