Future Ready Professionals – A Joint CPD Event between API, PAAB Zimbabwe and CGIAZ

Event: Trends and Opportunities Impacting Professional Accountants and Auditors in 2023 and Beyond
Theme: Prosperity through greater accountability and transparency in the public sector
Date: Wednesday, 26 April 2023
Time: 11 am GMT to 1.30pm GMT
Venue: Zoom
CPD Hours: CPD Credits eligible for participants by participating professional organisations.
Target Audience: Public Sector Accountancy Professionals and Policy Leaders
Charges: Free
Register Now : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAuduuvqTMjGNLnhPa0riwxY6uWueUdkl8I
Download Event Program : Event Program.pdf
Knowledge Partners
Brand Partners
- ESAAG/ AAAG (Acc Gens)
Develop and enhance future readiness of professional accountants and auditors and advance greater accountability and transparency in the use of public sector resources.
“If the first two decades of the twenty-first century have taught us anything, it’s that uncertainty is chronic; instability is permanent; disruption is common; and we can neither predict nor govern events. There will be no “new normal”; there will only be a continuous series of “not normal” episodes defying prediction and unforeseen by most of us until they happen. And that means doubling down on the “first who” principle for building great companies” – Jim Collins & Bill Lazier
The projected market volatility underpinned by inflation, geopolitical tensions and technological disruptions will headline opportunity scoping in 2023 and beyond as the future becomes even more uncertain. Having this conversation may stimulate both debate and exploration of innovation mindsets that will enable professional accountants and auditors think more differently, be aware of as well as ride the turbulent waves of risk, opportunity and crisis.
Key lessons to be learnt at this event
- Why continuous learning and self-development is critical.
- Why seeking opportunity is better than seeking safety.
- How to confidently respond to disruption by staying future ready.
- API continental initiatives and rollout update – French Contextualisation.
- Catch-up on IPSAS Updates – Standards news & developments from IPSASB & IFAC.
Questions for You
- Why are organisations (especially private sector) accelerating automation and use of AI and how will professional accountants and auditors add value in a fast changing automated environment?
- Name 3 elements of your job that will not be replaced by tech disruption in the next 5 years?
- Why is there greater emphasis on value creation?
- Name 3 practical benefits of value creation / Performance audits for your organisation?
- How can professional accountants and auditors excel at creating?
- What are your top Environmental and Social responsibility concerns in the face of effects of aggressive profit driven capitalism fuelled by tech disruption – e.g. Will ChatGPT where Microsoft is investing over USD 10 billion drive the accounting, auditing and financial analysis functions better?
- What is the status of IPSAS compliance in your organisation / country?
Be sure to register now for the CPD Event – Please follow the link here for registrations.