Evans Mulera appointed as Head of African Professionalisation Initiative (API) Secretariat
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Evans Mulera as the Head of the African Professionalisation Initiative Secretariat, with effect from 1 June 2022.
Following a rigorous selection process, we are pleased that this resulted in the selection of a candidate who has a detailed understanding of the accounting profession in the public sector. As the Head of the API Secretariat, which is currently hosted by AFROSAI-E, Evans will lead initiatives to coordinate the efforts of accountants general, supreme audit institutions, professional accountancy organisations and academics to systematically address the shortage of adequate professional accounting and auditing skills in the public sector.
Already stepping into the role, Evans attended the AFROSAI-E 2022 Strategic Review and 18th Governing Board meeting, where he had the opportunity to address members and share his vision for the API.
Evans is a Fellow of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Kenya (ICPAK) and is a PFM expert with rich experience in setting up of Accountancy Bodies (PAOs). He previously served as the Deputy CEO of ICPAK and went on to serve as the first CEO of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Rwanda (ICPAR). He supported the PAO to attain International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) Associate membership, as well as roll out its first Technician and Professional Accountancy examinations.
He oversaw the roll-out of the operations of the first Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (PSASB) of Kenya, having previously chaired the East African technical committee of the Financial Reporting Excellence Awards (then promoted by ICPAK, the Capital Markets Authority of Kenya and the Nairobi Securities Exchange). He’s an International Consultant who played an advisory role in the IFAC PAO Capacity Building Program and recently adviser to the Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA) in the PAO Capacity Building Programme.
Evans is the founder of Capabuil Ltd, a consultancy firm that specializes in PFM training and entrepreneurship skills development for teens and youth across Africa. He currently advises ICPAK on capacity building for development of the Accountancy Institute in Burundi and has played a pivotal role in supporting audit firms in Burundi to comply with IFAC SMOs (Statements of Membership Obligations) with particular emphasis on Audit Quality Management.