Call for Expressions of Interest to form part of a Panel of Service Providers for the African Professionalisation Initiative (API)
Deadline : 30 June 2024 5:00 PM, South African Standard Time (SAST).

About The API
The African Professionalisation Initiative (API) is an independent non-profit organisation whose primary objective is to strengthen the capacity and knowledge base of accounting and auditing professionals in the African public sector to enhance accounting and auditing service delivery to the citizens of Africa.
Our Vision: An African public sector capacitated with competent, ethical and influential professionals who support accountability, transparency and good financial governance.
Our Mission: Grow the capacity of public sector finance management professionals in the African public sector through high quality, relevant and future fit learning programmes.
The API Learning Programmes aim to achieve the above institutional goal as a partnership between the accountancy profession (represented by the Pan African Federation of Accountants (“PAFA”)), accountants general or their equivalent (African Association of Accountants General – “AAAG”)), and supreme audit institutions or courts of auditors (represented by the English (“AFROSAI-E”) and French (“CREFIAF”) language sub-groups of the African Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (“AFROSAI”)).
This call to form part of a panel aims to create a pool of high-quality prospective service providers, comprising individual service providers, small and medium enterprises and large corporates to be included in a database from which the API will select from time to time, in line with needs and specific initiatives being developed. This approach aims to ensure that the API is able to collaborate with different service providers and draw from a diverse pool of expertise for the variety of API learning programmes or initiatives. This also ensures that the API is able to use the relative strength of service providers in their area of expertise.
General Scope of Work
Prospective service providers need to have capability, expertise and experience in the compilation of API learning programmes and product range covering, broadly, public sector financial management, accounting and auditing, ethics and other related topics. Alternatively, service providers will need to have skills in the compilation of exit assessments to assess achievement against learning programme objectives. Prospective service providers with an interest in the technological aspects of the API will be required to have skills in instructional design and the digitisation of learning content, particularly on a Moodle-based platform. For any given project or part thereof, that requires learning content development, development of exit assessments or online digitisation, the API will utilise the pool to request the identified or suitable service provider for a concept note or quotations (as appropriate) on how any specific work related to their domain of expertise may be completed. The service provider will also be requested to submit a price quote, based on the scope of the work. The most suitable / responsive proposal for the project will then be assessed and the service provider notified for any formalities that would need to take place to undertake the work, including contracting requirements. Prospective service providers will be required to follow API established guidelines for the compilation of learning, exit assessments or related digitising, to ensure consistent quality of API learning offerings.
NB- Being part of this pool does not guarantee work from the API, as any selection of a service provider will depend on existing needs; current learning programmes under development and the suitability of the proposals/ concept notes submitted during each call.
The Objective of the Call for Service Providers
The aim of this advert is to build a database of suitable prospective service providers, whether individuals, small and medium enterprises and larger corporates that are able to complete contracted work to (A) author learning programmes for different components of public financial management (See API Houses/ Programmes categories), (B) compile exit assessments for purposes of confirming successful learning and those who (C) undertake instructional design and the digitisation of the learning content. Prospective service providers can submit their expression of interest to form part of the panel of prospective service providers either for (A), (B) or (C), or all three, however, submissions must be clearly separated (not submitted as one submission) so that they can be considered for suitability on an individual basis.
Target Countries
Service providers can be based in any country; however, it is important that service providers are able to draft content, exit assessments or digitise learning that can be used and is suitable for use in any country, particularly across the African continent. The service providers should also be in a position to quote their rates in South African Rands (ZAR), to enable comparison across service providers, and facilitate ease of payment.
Letter of Invitation (to the above call) |
Terms of Reference – A: Authoring of learning programmes for public sector accountants and auditors, and other related stakeholders. |
Terms of Reference – B: Exit assessments. |
Terms of Reference – C: Instructional design and digitisation of learning programmes. |