API Meets with its Key Donor – SIDA
In a significant step toward enhancing its professionalisation efforts, the African Professionalisation Initiative (API) Executive Committee members and secretariat staff held productive discussions with the Swedish International Cooperation and Development Agency (SIDA). SIDA is API’s main funder. The meeting took place on 10 August 2023. The API is grateful for the strong partnership and good working relationship between SIDA and AFROSAI-E, which resulted in the unlocking of the support for the API.
Present at the meeting were SIDA representative, Therese Sjöström; the Acting CEO of the African Association of Accountants General (AAAG), Nokwanda Mngeni; CEO of the Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA), Prof. Alta Prinsloo and the CEO of the African Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions from English speaking countries (AFROSAI-E), Meisie Nkau.
About SIDA
SIDA is Sweden’s government agency for development cooperation. SIDA strives to reduce poverty and oppression around the world. In cooperation with organisations, government agencies and the private sector SIDA invests in sustainable development for all people. Learn more
API’s Funded Initiatives
Speaking at the meeting, SIDA’s representative, acknowledged the progress the API was making in realising the milestones set out in the funding agreement as well as API’s strategic plan. She thanked the Executive members present for the quality leadership that had seen solid progress being realised. This meeting aimed to provide strategic updates while fostering strengthening of the existing partnership with SIDA.
The API and SIDA share a common vision of promoting professionalisation of public sector accountants and auditors to equip African governments with competent, ethical and influential professionals who support accountability, transparency and good financial governance. API’s Executive committee members noted the need for the API to leverage the generous support provided by SIDA to implement API initiatives that would elevate the skills and capabilities of Accountants and Auditors in the African public sector.
API’s New Strategic Plan
During the meeting, both parties explored potential areas of further collaboration, including the essential support for the implementation of API’s new strategic plan that will be unveiled in the last quarter of this year. The API articulated other areas requiring support under the current strategic plan that comes to an end in December 2023.
In response to the meeting’s outcomes, API secretariat staff expressed their gratitude to SIDA for their unwavering support. This partnership has played a critical role in shaping the future of the Public Financial Management (PFM) reforms in Africa. In turn, successful PFM reforms are expected to support the success of the African Union Agenda 2063 aspirations.
The API will keep in touch with SIDA to provide updates and other information as discussed during the meeting.
The API Products (Houses) / Learning Programmes
Please choose below the house that works for you and drop us a mail – info@professionalisation.africa
Houses (Learning Programmes) |
• House 1 – Incumbents (Experienced un-professionalised accountants and auditors)-Implemented |
• House 2 – Specialisation – Ready for occupation from 2024 |
• House 3 – Students – Ready for occupation in 2025 |
• House 4 – Micro credentials (Performance Audits for the Health Sector) – Ready from 2024 (More Micro credentials to be developed) |
• House 5 – Continuing Professional Development (CPD) |
The API Organisation and Learning Programmes
The API is an independent non-profit organisation whose primary objective is to strengthen the capacity and knowledge base of accounting and auditing professionals in the African public sector to enhance accounting and auditing service delivery to the citizens of Africa.
The API Learning Programme aims to achieve the above institutional goal as a partnership between the accountancy profession (represented by the Pan African Federation of Accountants (“PAFA”)), accountants general or their equivalent (African Association of Accountants General – “AAAG”)), and supreme audit institutions or courts of auditors (represented by the English (“AFROSAI-E”) and French (“CREFIAF”) language sub-groups of the African Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (“AFROSAI”)).
Contact the API Team for more details: info@professionalisation.africa | www.professionalisation.africa