Aims and objectives
To provide Secretariat support to the Interim Oversight Board (IOB) and its successor Board through:
Implementing resolutions of the IOB;
Minute taking and record keeping for the IOB;
Minute taking for any other committee of the IOB;
Acting as a contact point with various stakeholders;
Maintaining a perspective on the long-term view of API;
Providing advocacy, activation, input and engagement towards achieving API objectives;
Monitoring the implementation of the MOU (the memorandum of understanding signed by the API partner organisations).
Membership of the PSG consists of the chief executive officers (or equivalent) of the participating regional organisations. The current members are:
Mr Vickson Ncube
Pan African Federation of Accountants (PAFA)
Ms Meisie Nkau
African Organisation of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E)
Mr Kenneth Hlasa
East and Southern African Association of Accountants General (ESAAG)
Mr Hassan
Le Conseil Régional de Formation des Institutions Supérieures de Contrôle des Finances Publiques de l’Afrique Francophone sub-Saharienne (CREFIAF)
Terms of reference
Please click here to access the Project Steering Group’s terms of reference.